Nutty Conversations by Ruthie Lafond
What is your favorite book to read together?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
Do you watch leaves falling?
Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
Do you think there are Martians on Mars?
Reggie by Jen de Oliveira
Do you ever pretend to be a bird?
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
What other kinds of music might the rats like?
Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Is there ever a time when a little push from a friend might help?
Peter Cadaver by Stan Yan
How would you dress up like Peter?
Woodland Hills by Joshua Smeaton
Have you ever seen a crawdad?
Cartoonist News
Bay Area! Nidhi will be reading her new graphic novel for ages 8-12, Super Boba Cafe at Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore on Sunday, October 22nd at 2 pm. Register at eventbrite.
Until next week, stay silly!
Jen & Mika