Reggie by Jen de Oliveira
Episode 2 of Reggie’s show “How Not to Be a Baby” is titled “Clothes Make the Big Kid”. He begins by saying that babies cannot dress themselves, which is why they wear onesies. There is a baby bear and a baby pig sucking pacifiers and wearing onesies. Reggie says that if you want to be a big kid, you have to wear clothes with “tricky stuff” like buttons, zippers, and laces. He gestures to a yellow sweater with red buttons, blue shorts, and shoes with laces. He can’t ask for help because he is trying to be a big kid. “I can DO it!” he exclaims.
What is the hardest thing to put on?
Bark Star by Dan & Jason
Have you ever said anything out loud by mistake?
The Littlest Dungeon Guard by Meggie Ramm
Deep in the dungeons, there lived a wizard named Wuzzie. Wuzzie had a lab where he experimented, to mix things and fix things while potions fermented. He’d add this to that, using the guards as lab rats, a practice the guards all lamented. Being caught in one of his experiments, L D G found that a simple sip of one of his many potions turned her into a pile of monstrous goo, stuck in Wuzzie’s lab until he could figure out how another one of his masterful concoctions failed.
What potion should Wuzzie use next?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
Belly the squirrel announces “I love mushrooms!” as she sits on a mushroom. Norma the squirrel agrees as she holds her pink dress with a mushroom pattern on it. Little Bee comes and says, “No. I mean I like to eat mushrooms.” Norma and Belly disagree, but don’t say anything.
Can you see any mushrooms around you?
Mr. Wolf by Aron Nels Steinke
Mr Wolf, cross-legged and wearing a yellow flannel with gray pants, greets the class with “Good morning class! It’s so good to see you today.” Molly, sitting on the floor with the rest of the students, thinks “Mr Wolf looks different..” After noticing his pants, she announces “Hey! Look, everyone.. Mr Wolf isn’t wearing his blue pants today!” The children all cheer and applaud.
Do you have a favorite pair of pants?
Pup and Duck by Dave Roman
Pup covers his ears as he goes to dump the screaming radish in the wheelbarrow that a confused Duck is holding. The radish bites Pup’s hand, CHOMP. Pup screams because of his hurt hand, and the radish runs away ZIP.
Why did the vegetable bite Pup?
Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
The alien reached out to shake Mark’s hand and said: “My name’s Zark. What’s yours?” Mark awkwardly shook and said: “Uh… Mark.” Excited, Zark threw his hands in the air and exclaimed: “Hey! Mark and Zark! That’s so funny— our names rhyme.” Zark then placed his arms on Mark’s shoulder. “Please don’t tell anyone about me, OK? I could get in BIG TROUBLE,” he said. “Um… sure thing,” Mark said, giving Zark a thumbs-up. Zark hopped back on his flying saucer and began to fly off. “Thanks, Mark. I’ll see you later!” Zark said, as Mark went back into his house.
Does your name rhyme with anyone you know?
everyday AWESOMENESS by Jarrett Lerner
Fafa is a nine-year-old from Virginia. Fafa is Ghanaian-American and loves pizza, playing Bananagrams, and dancing. One day, Fafa noticed her aunt hadn’t gotten out of bed in two whole days because she was very sick. Fafa hurried to her kitchen, heated up a piece of pizza, and sprinted to her aunt to tell her, “Eat! I’m scared!” Fafa’s aunt felt better soon after, and Fafa went back to beating her at Bananagrams.
Do you know how to play Bananagrams?
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