Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
Do you like to know what day it is?
Hama & Pici by Alexis E. Fajardo
What is the heaviest thing you have lifted?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
Do you like stale bagels?
Peter Cadaver by Stan Yan
Would you make an enemy bracelet?
Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Have you seen a fly dance?
Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
Got any good ones for Stickbug?
Joonbug’s World by Imani Lateef
What do you need to do before you start your day?
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
What does it mean when something is in public domain?
Cartoonist News
The next Reggie graphic novel, REGGIE: PENGUIN IN CHARGE is coming on June 4, 2024. Pre-order it here!
Until next year, stay silly!
Jen & Mika