Peter Cadaver by Stan Yan
Did you know a giraffe’s tongue is not pink?
Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Do you ever let someone borrow something?
Hama & Pici by Alexis E. Fajardo
What will get Hama back to their old shape?
Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
What is the best way to keep mosquitos from biting?
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
What other fruits are just too much work?
Cartoonist News
Jen's next book, Reggie: Penguin in Charge, is out on June 4th! Preorder from Linden Tree Books to get a personalized, signed copy and some Reggie goodies. (You can have your copy mailed, too!)
Jarrett’s Comic Creators Club is back for summer. A one week course for young creators held online. Get more information here.
Pennsylvania! Kevin will be visiting the Nazareth, PA Public Library on June 17 and the Southern Lehigh Library, PA on June 26.
Until next week, stay silly!
Jen & Mika
The long neck of the law bahahaha