Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
What is a fancy food?
Hama & Pici by Alexis E. Fajardo
What wakes you up?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
What is the best way to say thank you?
Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
What combination of weather do you want to see?
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
What pasta is best?
Cartoonist News
Goof is a funny comic compilation in print for kids edited by Marc, creator of Cat Stevens and more. Order your copy here.
Team Pom is at the Brooklyn Public Library! A new exhibit in the Youth Wing of Central Library showcases the creative process behind Isabel’s graphic novel series, The Adventures of Team Pom. Up all summer until September. Check it out!
The new Reggie book is in stores! Order it here.
Until next week, stay silly!
Jen & Mika