Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
Comic description: Zark says,“Heads up, Mark! There’s one more.” Zark kicks a soccer ball to Mark. Mark thinks, “I’ve got one more chance.” KICK! Shooo! The ball flies over the kids’ heads.
Do you think the ball will hit the button on the robot?
Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Comic description: Mabel and Gene are at a baseball game. Mabel throws her hands up in the air and says, “What?! That’s not a strike! Come on!” Then Mabel throws her hands up again and says, “What?! That’s not a ball!” Gene says, “Um, Mabel the game hasn’t started yet.” Mabel says, “What?! The game hasn’t started yet? Come on!”
Do you watch baseball?
Tiny T-Rex by Kat Aymeloglu
Comic description: Tiny T-Rex is snorkeling past colorful fish. Tiny T-Rex passes a snail and a shell. Tiny T-Rex swims into a purple underwater castle. Tiny T-Rex is in a fish tank.
Would you like to snorkel around in a fish tank?
Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
Comic description: Dung Beetle says, “Clearly, Butterfly Bob, you have no idea how to make things intense. Let’s study the greats. Look at these beloved classic children’s books. There’s simply no way today’s phone-addled kids can enjoy these stories. That’s why when they’re adapted to movies and t.v. they’re vastly improved–by adding villains, guns and dark backstories! Just so relevant you know?” Butterfly Bob says, “And we wonder why everybody’s so anxious.”
What is your favorite movie that is based on a book?
Kitty & Cat by Jane Smith
Comic description: Cat is on the couch eating a pretzel. Cat says, “Alright Kitty, let’s hear your A.B.C’s” Kitty says, “A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J…Pretzel!” Cat says, “Uh, try again.” Kitty says, “K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S…Pretzel!” Cat says, “ Keep going…” Kitty says, “T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z…Pretzel!” Cat says, “Ok, ok Kitty good job. Here’s half.”
Have you ever been distracted by snacks?
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Cartoonist News:
Jane’s new book, It's St. Patrick's Day, Chloe Zoe is available for pre-order. Here is a link to it on Barnes and Noble.
Tom has a funny animated short, Leaf Control. Watch it here.
I want a tiny t-rex in an aquarium now!!
Mabel & Gene are the cutest! 💚