Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Comic description: Gene says, “Don’t laugh.” Mabel says, “Don’t laugh?” Gene says, “Don’t laugh.” Mabel says, “Don’t laugh.” They stare at each other. They both start to laugh.
Have you ever tried not to laugh?
Mark & Zark by Dan Moynihan
Comic description: The science teacher gives a medal to a kid and says, “ Second prize goes to Nate for his robot.” “Hooray!” says Nate. “Even if he might have had some extra help.” says the teacher. The parents of Nate point at each other and look confused. Mark crosses his arms and says, “I suppose he did have a fully functional robot…” Zark says, “Bah! That’s a rip off!” The teacher says, “...And the third prize goes to…”
Who should win 3rd place?
Kitty & Cat by Jane Smith
Comic description: Cat wears a robber costume and says to Kitty, “What should I be for Halloween, Kitty? A cat burglar?” “Maybe.” says Kitty. Cat wears a ketchup bottle costume and says, “Cat-sup?” Kitty says, “Nah.” Cat wears a caterpillar costume and says, “A cat-erpillar?” Kitty gets a light bulb and says, “Yes! And I’ll be a butterfly.” Kitty is dressed up as a butterfly.
What would you dress Kitty and Cat up as for Halloween?
instagram . website . bluesky . substack
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
Comic description: Lightning Poetry. Big Word Rat says, “Luminous.” Small Word Rat says, “Bright.” “Ultramarine.” “Blue.” “Embrace.” “Hug.” “Demonstrates.” “Shows.” “Affection.” “Love.”
Can you make lightning poetry?
Tiny T-Rex by Kat Aymeloglu
Comic description: Tiny T-Rex carries an electric water kettle and pours hot water into a teacup. Tiny T-Rex tosses the kettle aside and hops into the cup. Tiny T-Rex relaxes in its bath. A little rubber ducky floats by.
Do you take baths?
Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
Comic description: Mean Mosquito says, “Hi, Computer Bug.” Computer Bug throws up its arms and says, “Welcome! To begin please log in or create a new account.” Mean Mosquito says, “No, thanks. I was just passing by–” Computer Bug says, “Sorry, that’s not a valid account. Please try again.”
Do you remember your password and login?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
Comic description: Norma and Belly look for something. A squirrel comes up to them and says, “What’s going on, guys?” Norma says, “There’s a pancake flying around.” Belly says, “Nearly hit us in the face!” The squirrel says, “Oh!” Norma says, “Yeah. Be careful.” The squirrel says, “Okay. Bye!” The squirrel flies off.
Have you ever seen a flying pancake?
Cartoonist News:
Kevin will be visiting 3 elementary schools in Easton PA, hosted by the Easton Book Festival.
Stan has Terry the Tapeworm T-shirts for Halloween! Check them out here.
Little Green Monsters get me every time—so cute!!