Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
Comic description: Bug Zapper says, "What’s this?” Bumblebeezy says, “Congratulations!” Mean Mosquito says, “Hooray!” Mean Mosquito goes up to Bug Zapper and says, “Bug Zapper, I know we’ve had our differences, but in a way … I’ll actually miss you when you retire.” Bug Zapper says, “Me?! I’m not retiring! I’ll be zapping you guys for many years to come!” Mean Mosquito and Bumblebeezy look disappointed. Everyone at the party gets mad at Bumblebeezy. “Bumblebeezy!” Bug Zapper eats cake and says, “But that’s touching, Mean Mosquito.” Bumblebeezy backs away and says, “I shall retire to another room.”
What does it mean to retire?
Little Green Monsters by Tony Alioto
Comic description: Mabel and Gene are wearing superhero capes. Mabel says, “ What’s beyond these four panels, Gene?” Gene says, “Anything, Mabel. That’s the beauty of it all.” Mabel pushes the lines of the comics panel. Gene says, “When one thing ends… another has just begun.” Mabel and Gene fly out of the comic. Thank you, Sunday Haha. Love, Gene and Mabel.
What is beyond the panel?
Pup and Duck by Dave Roman
Comic description: Pup sits on the pier fishing. Ziip. Splashes appear in the water. Pup reels in the fishing line. It’s Duck, smiling.
What did you think Pup would get?
Reggie by Jen de Oliveira
Comic description: Reggie walks into a room with toys all over the floor. Murray says, “Sorry, I have an… itty bitty sister.” Reggie sees a small child that looks like Murray with a bow chewing on a stuffy. Reggie says, “Oh, you mean a ‘baby sister’.” Murray’s sister has a tantrum. She screams, “I’m not a baby!” Reggie and Murray are covered in toys she threw. Reggie says, “I should have known.”
Spot any hidden words in this comic?
Tiny T-Rex by Kat Aymeloglu
Comic description: Tiny T-Rex holds a picnic basket and stands in front of a giant picnic blanket. Tiny T-Rex unfurls the blanket, sending cutlery flying. Tiny T-Rex smooths out the blanket on the grass. Tiny T-Rex sits on the blanket and eats a sandwich next to a strawberry, cookie and grapes.
What would you pack for a Tiny T-Rex picnic?
Kitty & Cat by Jane Smith
Comic description: Cat is blowing a noisemaker. Confetti falls. A banner says Happy New Year! The other end of the banner says Good-bye Sunday Haha! Kitty sits under the banner looking at a phone. Cat says, “Aww don’t be sad, Kitty.” Cat shows Kitty the phone and says, “Look, you can still follow all your fav comics online!” Kitty says, “Even Little Green Monsters?” Cat says, “Sure!” Kitty says, “Tiny T-Rex?” Cat says, “Yep!” Kitty says, “And us too?” Cat says, “Oh, yeah!” Kitty and Cat jump with joy over a banner that says substack@superreadersclub.
Have you followed your favorite Sunday Haha comics online?
instagram . website . bluesky . substack
Hama & Pici by Alexis E. Fajardo
Comic description: The giant fish burps all the way to the fancy restaurant bathroom. In the bathroom, the fish gobbles a big bottle full of mints. The fish puts its flippers on the counter and smiles in the mirror. It’s teeth are shiny. Gleam. Fresh. Ting! Ting! Hama and Pici pop up in the fish’s mouth also smiling.
What do mints do if you eat them?
Small Word Rat & Big Word Rat by Kevin McCloskey
Comic description: Long Word Rat says, “Arrivederci!” Short Word Rat says, “What’s that mean?” Long Word Rat says, “Goodbye!” Blue Bird says, “No, it means– ‘Until we meet again’ in Italian.” Long Word Rat looks surprised. “Oh!” Short Word Rat says, “Nice! I love it!” Long Word Rat says, “Thank you for the clarification.” Long Word Rat waves and says, “Arrivederci!” Short Word Rat waves and says, “Yes, what he said!”
What is a different way to say goodbye?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
Comic description: Norma stands alone. Someone says, “Norma!” Norma turns and says, “Belly!” Norma and Belly hug. Norma says, “Where have you been?” Belly says, “I went to the bathroom.”
Do you miss someone?
Kiri by Alice Chu
Comic description: Kiri points to a small pile of snow. Kiri says, “Daddy, my snowman is melting.” Kiri’s eyes are watery. Kiri’s father scoops up the snow and says, “I have an idea.” Kiri’s father helps Kiri put a bottle full of her snowman in the freezer.
What else can you save in the freezer?
Nutty Conversations by Ruthie Lafond
Comics description: All the nuts are here. Cashew leans on Walnut. Walnuts says, “I don’t want to say goodbye.” Butternut says, “Me neither.” Chestnut holds hands with Macadamia. Chestnut says, “What should we say?” Macadamia says, “We should say thank you to Jen and Mika for giving us a place to be when we needed it most!” Coconut waves and says, “X.O.X.O” Peanut says, “Thank you!” Lug nut says “Heart” and Marcona says, “Thanks!” Doughnut smiles at them. One Pinoli brother says, “Grazie” The other Pinoli brother says, “Mille.” Pistachio and Almond say, “Heart.” Pecan, Hazelnut, Nutmeg and Brazil Nut say, “Thanks so much!” Corn Nut says,”And thank you to our readers for spending Sundays with us!”
What can help you to say goodbye?
Note from the Editors:
Dear Readers,
As we mentioned a few issues ago, this is our last issue of Sunday Haha. It is time for us to move on. To our paid subscribers, payments have already been suspended since August 19, 2024. Thank you for your support. We would not have made it to Issue 238 without you!
We started Sunday Haha as a way to inspire and connect young readers with comics for all ages. Since then we’ve shared over a thousand comic strips from nearly 50 cartoonists, and there's been a flourishing of new comics titles in bookstores and
libraries. We are very proud of Sunday Haha's small part in this growth.
It's been an honor to be part of your reading lives for the past five
years. All of our past issues will stay up so you can always revisit
your favorite strips.
Until we meet again, stay silly!
Jen & Mika
Thanks for all the joy you've brought!!
Thank you both for organizing this incredible project!!!!! And shout out to all the amazing cartoonists involved!!