Peter Cadaver by Stan Yan
What is the best pet?
Norma and Belly by Mika Song
What does a cell phone ringing sound like?
Bug Zapper by Tom Eaton
What do you think about clowns?
It’s Yaytime! by Dave Roman
What else does echolocation mean?
Long Tail Kitty by Lark Pien
Would being taller make you feel better?
Cartoonist News:
New York City: Tom will be at the Brooklyn Independent Comics Showcase in Industry City with Bug Zapper comics. It's Saturday April 22nd, 11am-7pm, at Industry City Courtyard 5/6. Come by and say hi!
Texas Librarians! Eliza will be at TLA signing copies of Papá's Magical Water-Jug Clock on Thursday April 20, 12-1 PM at the Astra Publishing House booth (Author Aisle 10)
Mika will also be at TLA on Wednesday April 19, signing at the Chronicle Booth (Author Aisle 8) from 4-5 PM and participating in the On My Own: Book Series for Newly Independent Readers panel at 12:15 PM.
Jarrett’s Creators Club still has room for summer sign ups! Check it out here.
Until next week, stay silly!
Jen & Mika